Soil Testing

Soil testing services for gasoline and dry cleaner contamination

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Soil testing is a common requirement in environmental due diligence for commercial real estate, including Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs).

Soil contamination, or soil pollution, is the build-up of potentially toxic, human-made chemicals below the ground surface. It can occur as an unintended consequence of industrial activity, leakage from fuel tanks, application of pesticides, drainage of contaminated surface water, and improper waste disposal of oil and fuel. Two common types of soil contaminants include:

Green Orchard Group provides soil testing services to residential homeowners, commercial property owners, and property management companies.

We often work directly with real estate professionals to schedule site inspections, prepare property assessments and reports, and ensure compliance with federal and state requirements.

Our Services

Green Orchard Group

Soil Testing

Our experienced soil experts offer a full range of soil testing services, including sampling, analysis, and removal of contaminants.

We conduct site visits to identify possible soil pollutants and investigate potential sources of contamination. Working with qualified professionals and certified laboratories, we provide clients with clear, accurate reports for Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments.

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